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Since time immemorial, man has wielded magic. Before the advent of civilization, the wizards were few and far between: often dying of their
The term "Convective Wizard" refers to a subset of the human population with extra-normal abilities. Convective wizardry deals with the rapid transfer of heat through the human body. The internal apparatus which enables this transfer has not yet been found. Utilizations of low-intensity convective wizardry before the Schism were widespread, but hazardous. Convective wizardry was often used in cooking and metalworking to quickly cool dishes and hot metal. Historically, Convective wizardry has been the most lethal class of wizardry due to the ease of "overdrawing" (A specialized convective term. Refers to the transfer of heat in excess enough to disrupt body temperature and onset hypo/hyperthermia.) leaving little to no knowledge of techniques older than a decade outside of hermetic convective sects.
Within the past two decades, many advances have been made in the field of heat management and dispersal. Convective weapons such as the colloquially named "heatspike" employ the broad form of a rapier to quickly pierce the chest cavity, and a hollow liquid filled piercing blade to quickly siphon heat from the vital organs, inducing rapid onset hypothermia. Several medical solutions to "overdrawing" were also invented. The leading among them is a surgical procedure involving the installation of silver-brass ports into the arteries. These ports couple with ports on vascularized clothing to functionally extend vasculature outside of the body. This procedure has has been carried out on most convective wizards, and has become the norm for any aspirant convectives.
The risk to human life within Convective Wizardry has always been inherent. Ironically, the widely adopted safety measures put in place to prevent "burnout" often lead to the untimely deaths of those physically unable to handle them. In recent years, inductees to the few academies and societies that offer tutelage in Convective Wizardry are taken at younger and younger ages, to allow for a strict regiment of cardio exercise. Even with such a strict regiment, many are often killed by induced anemia post surgery, as they simply do not have the cardio-strength to pump blood through their vascularized cloaks. Even more still skirt their training, and suicidally misuse their abilities. In places where wizards are common, it is a normal sight to see a boiled body.
The monicker of "Chemical Wizard" is relatively recent compared to the other classes of "wizardry". Chemical wizardry deals with the production, manipulation and excretion of a wide array of organically producible chemicals. Within a chemical wizard, the process is carried out by a not-yet fully understood interaction between the brain and specialized areas of the epithelium and epidermis. Chemicals producible by the human body are often innately learned, outside of the variety produced by the human body are often "learned" by ingestion, often to the detriment of the Chemical Wizard. Chemical wizards tend to hail from a Schism, but have enjoyed great leaps and bounds in understanding due to the various chemical agents and studies necessitated by the Schism.
The applications for Chemical wizardry are broad. Often, entire lineages of chemical wizards come to serve a specific purpose. For example, take the Meidnach family, who hail from a small community just south of the Grand Bough. They are well renowned for their janitorial prowice across the countries, and have presence within most seats of power. Similarly is the Rhydd line, stemming from those in the retinue of the first [Valley Lords]. Many cadet branches of this family serve specific local baronies - using the knowledge passed down through the generations to formulate and deliver deadly poisons with extreme efficiency. Though familial wizardry is the norm, there do exist a fair amount of non-family afilliated wizards who, without the bounds of family taboo, can take their studies to more "excentric" places.
Chemical Wizardry is not the most lethal wizardry, but it has the most potential to harm and impair normal human development. As hormones are secreted in the body, a chemical wizard will inevitably learn their makeup and be able to reproduce them at will. Several common methods of death within the world of Chemical Wizardry include: a large secretion of adrenaline directly into the bloodstream, damaging or popping blood vessels, accidental toxin release (usually only occurs within the assassin and espionage families. seen as a failiure of restraint) and many other methods of death caused by ingestion of foreign chemicals.
The monicker of "Electromagnetic Wizard" refers to those with the capability to manipulate, accumulate and discharge electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic Wizardry is the second safest class of wizardry, as EM wizards cannot be killed by sheer inaction. The wizard's body will autonomically balance levels of charge. Though, there still is risk of self inflicted death, as a mistaken discharge of electromagnetic energy inwards can often fry the neural circuitry of a human brain, or stop the steady pace of a human heart. Like most other types of wizardry, the physical apparatus that enables this is not well understood. The role of Electromagnetic wizardry has historically been that of trickery.
For about three decades before the Schism, and the twentytwo years after technology has grown to increasingly incorporate "Electricity" similar to that produced by EM wizards. Study of their methods and intellectual interchange has allowed various inventions to become commonplace, such as in-home lighting and heating and the telegraph.
LAYER 1 | CURRENT EXTENT OF EXPEDITIONS | Upper Infernal Pressure Gradient |
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LAYER 5 | Lower Infernal Pressure Gradient | |
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